Copy import { Page, ScreenBackground } from 'react-native-doorman'
This component is responsible for wrapping your entire screen, and should thus wrap your entire screen. It works really well when used with the ScreenBackground
Copy <Page
style={{ marginTop: 100, width: '100%' }}
() => <ScreenBackground color={['green', 'orange']} />
<H1>This is a beautiful page!</H1>
Copy import React from 'react'
import {
} from 'react-native-doorman'
import { Button } from 'react-native'
const AfterAuth = () => {
const { uid, signOut } = useDoormanUser()
return (
style={{ marginTop: 100, width: '100%' }}
background={() => <ScreenBackground color={['green', 'orange']} />}
<H1 style={{ color: 'white' }}>Welcome to Doorman.</H1>
<Paragraph style={{ color: 'white' }}>
Sign out below, if you want. Your user id is {uid}.
<Button title="Sign Out" color="white" onPress={signOut} />
export default AfterAuth
Copy type Props = {
children: ReactNode
Style the View that wraps content inside the Page.
style?: ViewStyle
* Props for the scroll view containing the whole screen. For styles, see `style`
containerProps?: Omit<ComponentProps<typeof ScrollView>, 'style'>
header?: () => ReactNode
Function that returns a react component. Check out Doorman's ScreenBackground!
background?: () => ReactNode
disableKeyboardHandler?: boolean
footer?: () => ReactNode