If you don't want to use the AuthFlow on its own, but instead you want screen-by-screen control, use this component, along with the AuthFlow.PhoneScreen.
typeProps=CommonScreenProps& {/** * Optional callback function called whenever a user successfully confirms their phone number. * * You might want to use this to add to your analytics, for instance. * * @example * ```es6 * <AuthFlow.PhoneScreen onCodeVerified={() => analytics.track('Code Success')} /> * ``` */onCodeVerified?: (info: { token:string }) =>void/** * (Optional prop) Message that will show up above the code input. This should tell your user that they just received a code to their phone, and that it should show up below.
* * Can either be a string, or a function. * * If you pass a function, it receives one argument: a dictionary with a `phoneNumber` value. The function should return a string or React Native <Text /> node.
* * @default * ```es6 * const defaultMessage = ({phoneNumber}) => `We just sent a 6-digit code to ${phoneNumber}. Enter it below to continue.`
* ``` * * @example * ```jsx * * export default () => { * return <ConfirmPhone message={({ phoneNumber }) => `Check ${phoneNumber} for a text!`} /> * } * ``` */ message?:string| ((info: { phoneNumber:string }) =>ReactNode)/** * Override text for button that lets users to resend code. * * Default: `Resend Code` */ resendText?:string/** * Text style prop for the resend text. If you just want to change the color, see the `tintColor` prop. */ resendStyle?:TextStyleType/** * Header text that appears at the top. * * Default: Enter code */ title?:string/** * Text style for the `error` message prop. */ errorStyle?:TextStyleType/** * Props for the scroll view containing the whole screen. For styles, see `containerStyle` */ containerProps?:Omit<ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof ScrollView>,'style'>/** * Style the outer screen. */ containerStyle?:ViewStyle/** * Default: `Confirm Code`. Set empty string to remove. * * You can also see these props: `renderHeaderTitle`, or `renderHeader`, or `headerProps`. */ headerText?:string/** * Optionally render your own custom loader when a code verification is loading. */renderLoader?: () =>ReactNode/** * Function that gets called when the back arrow is pressed. */onGoBack?: () =>void/** * Optional color for the activity indicator when a message is sending. See also: `renderLoader` prop. */ loaderColor?:string/** * Optional styles for the TextInput component. */ inputStyle?:TextStyleType/** * Custom TextInput props. Note that there are many other props to customize the input. Do a page find for `input` to find them.
*/ inputProps?:InputProps}
If you don't want to complicate things, just use the AuthFlow component.
However, this component lets you get more up-close customization, and works well with React Navigation.